Expansion harness for your 22 pin connector on your Evo5. Adds digital outputs, 4 analog channels, second CAN connection, K Line, and more. This harness features a straight shrink boot. For the 90...
Spare primary harness for your 37 pin connector on your MXL2/MXP/MXS/MXG. This will also fit the Evo5. This harness features the 90 degree shrink boot. For the straight boot, choose the Evo5...
EVO5 is the evolution of the traditional datalogger that, all over the years, has become a standard de facto acquisition system in a huge amount of championships. Great for situation were you want...
EVO5 is the evolution of the traditional datalogger that, all over the years, has become a standard de facto acquisition system in a huge amount of championships. More info can be found...
Expansion harness for your 22 pin connector on your MXL2/MXS/MXP/MXG or Evo 5. Adds digital outputs, 4 analog channels, second CAN connection, K Line, and more. THis harness features the 90 degree...