New AiM SmartyCam 3 Released

New AiM SmartyCam 3 Released

At PRI 2021, AiM released their new SmartyCam HD 3. This new generation of cameras comes in 4 flavors – Sport, Regular, GP, and Dual. While there is some overlap in them, they each fit a different use case and offer some important differences. The big areas of interest are the universal move to 1080p video, low price point of the Sport, ability to stream video out on the GP and Dual, along with the included ECU bridge in the Regular, GP, and Dual models. An interesting note is the move to the current standard USB C connection for all USB communication.

Let’s dive into a little more info.

Sport $899 (expected)

The Sport model is a paired down, compact system that looks to be the big seller. At a great size of 72 mm wide x 54 mm high and only 47mm thick, it necessitates a microSD card versus the SD card used in the rest of the lineup. The camera also comes with the light weight of only 200 grams. This compact size and weight means that the camera does not have a USB connection and all configuration will be through the forementioned microSD card. A single 5 pin connection is available to an AiM master device such as a MyChron 5S, Solo 2 DL, or MXx data logger. A simple 2 button interface makes this a stripped down SmartyCam, but it offers all the popular features including the 84° field of view(FOV) lens, 1920 x 1090 HD recording, wave free Global Shutter, automatic power and record, and the standard IP65 waterproof rating.

Regular $1399 (expected)

The standard SmartyCam 3 builds upon the previous generation, adding 1080p video, support for 30 or 60 frames per second, 67° or 84° FOV, and an ECU bridge for connection directly to a CAN based ECU. The option for a SmartyCam specific GPS has been dropped requiring the standard 5 pin GPS09. Outside of the major 1080p 60 fps upgrade, the camera will seem completely familiar to users outside of the new gray anodizing.

GP $1,799 (expected)

Like the standard SCHD 3, the SmartyCam GP 3 will seem very familiar to users. Boasting the same upgades as the SCHD 3, the GP will have the internal CAN ECU Bridge, 1080p 60 fps recording, but loses the extra 5 pin connection. The area for that connection is now taken by the powerful SMA connection that will put out live video on the SDI standard. This SMA connection allows the SCHD 3 GP to continue the IP65 waterproof rating. The 120° lens also starts making an appearance on the GP model along side the more popular 67° and 84° options.

Dual $2,999 (expected)

And this is where the real fun starts! The completely new SCHD 3 Dual offers 2 cameras for Picture in Picture (PIP), 1080p recording at 30 or 60 fps, 3G SDI real time output, internal 22 pin Deutsch Autosport connector for the ECU connection, AiM CANbus connection, optional Ethernet connection harness, and an internal solid state hard drive. The camera carries on the internal ECU bridge, three FOV camera lens options, SD card support to 2 TB, and USB-C connection. While this camera will carry the price tag of $2,999 it will be a powerful option for people wanting 2 camera PIP streaming video in an IP65 weatherproof form.

We expect the Sport and Dual models will become the most popular in the lineup, but for those wanting faster frame rates, the ability to stream, or multiple camera angles, the regular, GP, and Dual will fit the bill. Let us know what you think and get in touch if you would like to order one.

Dec 12th 2021 TrailBrake ║ Matt Romanowski

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