Data Analysis Tips
Driver health, monitoring, and performance
I was surfing Instagram and saw Dr. David Ferguson, of the Spartan Motorsports Performance Lab, post this great article from the April 2022 Racecar Engineering. The article is a great glimpse into how far driver fitness can go and what teams at the top level are working on. The article covers how Wayne Taylor Racing (WTR) is using driver biometrics to help determine the best performance they can. WTR is still using their Wireless Motorsports Biotelemetry unit from 2016. TrailBrak
Mar 22nd 2022
New AiM SmartyCam 3 Released
At PRI 2021, AiM released their new SmartyCam HD 3. This new
generation of cameras comes in 4 flavors – Sport, Regular, GP, and Dual. While
there is some overlap in them, they each fit a different use case and offer some
important differences. The big areas of interest are the universal move to 1080p
video, low price point of the Sport, ability to stream video out on the GP and
Dual, along with the included ECU bridge in the Regular, GP, and Dual models. An
interesting note is the move to
Dec 12th 2021
Monitoring Driver Core Temp and Heart Rate
Everyone has felt hot in a race car wearing full Nomex undergarments and a race suit. Even if you are only a DE driver and have tracked on a hot day wearing short sleeves and pants, you have experienced how the physical exertion can have an effect on you. Everyone ends up tired, sweaty, and well, ready to do it all over again the next day!Using Yellowcog Pilot-CAN devices, a HR monitor, and the CORE temp sensor, we are able to not only measure the drivers core body temp, but we an also add
Aug 23rd 2021
Race Studio Analysis Corner vMin and Straight vMax
One thing that is a great measure of driver performance, chassis changes, and overall vehicle speed is minimum corner speeds (vMin). Maximum corner speeds (vMax) are a similar measure and they also show a great amount about engine health, aerodynamic changes, and more.Some software packages pull this info out automatically, but AiM Race Studio 2 Analysis is not one of those packages. But, with the math channel package I put together you can have it automatically displayed in a channel report. C
Feb 24th 2021
Shocks, Tire Temps, and Load Variation
If you've ever talked to a suspension engineer, shock guy, or read up on suspension setup, you've probably seen where people say the goal is to reduce the contact patch load variation. That is a complex sounding way to say that you want to minimize how much weight moves around on your car to keep the same amount of weight on each tire. We just had a great example of this in practice.
If you look at the photo close, you'll see that there is temperature and shock position for each tire along with
Feb 24th 2021